Beecher’s Handmade Cheese

Beecher’s was in need of a site that expanded the brand’s identity & personality


As a part of a 5 week class at Seattle's SVC (School of Visual Concepts), each student was tasked to audit, wireframe and create a high fidelity comp of a site they felt could use some work. I decided to redesign Beecher's Handmade Cheese, a popular Seattle based cheese shop. Their current website can be seen here. 





There were a few key aspects to Beecher's current site that I wanted to significantly improve on in the redesign. For one, their current site is far too cluttered with very little space for a user's eye to rest. Secondly, the site lacks a clear system of rules in terms of typographical hierarchy and general use of color. Finally and most importantly, their current site is not very compelling. 


Photography and textures within the site evoke a certain level of authenticity and comfort. This sense of comfort is supported by a warm color palette and casual voice in the language used. While professional, Beecher's is personable and loyal to the Seattle community. I wanted this realized in the site.


Cascadia Wash


Rising Stars